Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Perhentian Dive Trip (5th Apr to 8th Apr 2007)

2 weeks after my Pulau Aur Dive, I was on my way to Perhentian with Orpheus. Having a long weekend without going diving is just too wasted...

In this trip, i made many new friends and also realise that Singapore is truly a small country. More likely than not, you'll realise the new people you meet probably know your friends already.

The trip to Perhentian comprises of a 11 to 12 hours bus ride from Singapore and a 40 min speedboat ride. The speed boat ride is "fast and furious", and is just as exciting as any roller coaster rides i have ever taken. Enjoying the wind as the boat speeds towards Perhentian, the past weeks of work stress faded...

The Perhentian Islands (Pulau Perhentian in Malay) lie approximately 10 nautical miles (19 km) offshore the coast of northeastern Malaysia in the state of Terengganu, approximately 40 miles (64 km) south of the Thai border. The two main islands are Perhentian Besar ("Big Perhentian") and Perhentian Kecil ("Small Perhentian"). - wikipedia.

My stay was at Flora Bay Resort on Perhentian Besar. Throughout the 2 diving days at Perhentian, we experienced passing showers in the mornings and afternoons. Visibiliy was quite bad at some dives as the underwater current stirred up the sand on the seabed. Visibility was as bad as 5m in one of the dives.

During my first dive at Tanjung Basi, saw many angelfishes and butterfly fishes. Below, the couple butterfly fishes followed our dive group throughout the whole dive.

Found this fat moray eel hiding in one of the cracks.

During one the dives, Sylvie spotted the black tip and immediatly i kicked furiously towards the shark. I managed to snap a photo before it made me eat dust with its speed.

If you look real carefully, you'll see a tiny shrimp in the centre of the weed...

For this dive trip, i decided to take more non-fish photos.. so there's many divers' photos this time round.

My diving buddy for this trip.

There were quite a few big puffer fishes during our dives. This one was really unlucky. it was being chased by me and my buddy to the extent it got trapped by us.

in the photo below, that's where we got it trapped.. i was infront of it and my dive buddy was behind. Realising it has no where to swim, it just lay still on the seabed. LOL.

At Tekong Laut, it's famous for the nurse sharks found in many of the cracks underwater.

As we swam, the current got a bit strong. Irregardless, i kicked and kicked to catch up with the big school of jackfish ahead. it seems like jackfishes like to swim against current.

As i finned towards the big school of jacks, they turned and veered left. Quickly took a shot of them before they turned left.

Undeterred, i swam forward to catch up with another smaller school of jacks infront. That's when the big school turned and swam towards my direction from behind. within seconds, they are right beside me, about 2 m away.

i finned real hard to maintain their speed, turned myself and swam downwards facing upwards... And i took this shot below them.. My best underwater shot so far. :)
A moment worth living for...

Detailed map of some of the dive sites.

"What are you looking at?"